Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Building Shed Walls & Smashing Thumb

We got all four walls of the shed portion up today!
The photo shows the shed just before we put up the last wall. You can see the last wall is built and waiting for us. It's a good thing we got all four walls up and nailed together but that night a storm hit with strong wind and I'm not sure it would have survived without the extra support.
Now we need to build the roof which does not sound fun.
The floor that does not have walls yet is for the girls playhouse. They are so excited they are getting their own house. I'm just excited to get a bunch of their toys out of the house so we can have cleaner bedrooms.
When Brian and I were building one of the longer walls I hit my thumb with the hammer really hard. I cried for the next 30 minutes it hurt so bad. Coco brought me her blanket and three stuffed animals to make me feel better but all I could do was stand and pace because it made my whole chest and arm hurt also. I had the thumb soaking in ice water to help with the swelling but it still swelled up. About an hour later I could finally sit and calm down. It took a few more hours before the pain in my chest went away.
(UPDATE: The day I hit it I had a hard time taking a shower because it hurt so bad to wash my hair. Four days later it's still sore when you touch the fingernail and especially if I try to clean underneath my nail. The majority of the white part at the back of my nail has turned red, I assume from broken blood vessels.)

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