Saturday, February 21, 2009

Little Girls Love Their Doggie

The first couple of nights after we got the puppy the girls had to sleep with her at night. This didn't work out so well for them because the puppy would wake up during the middle of the night and want to play. So the girls went from sleeping on the floor to sleeping on the couch. That method only lasted a few nights because the puppy would jump up on the side of the couch and whimper at them until they woke up. Needless to say, now the girls are back to sleeping in their own bed.

We got a dogie gate and put it at the beginning of the hall so the girls can have their doors open but the dog can't get in there to eat their toys. The puppy hated that because she didn't want to sleep alone. So, for the first couple of nights she would whimper for the girls at bedtime. Now the puppy is OK with sleeping by herself in the front room without the girls. Now if only I could get her potty trained.

Notice in the photo how the rug was still there. After one pee on the carpet, I cleaned it really well and rolled it up. I'm so glad we have hard wood floors that I can sanitize after her accidents. I can't imagine how nasty the house would be if we had carpet. But, I guess if we had carpet we just wouldn't let the dog inside.

By the way we named the puppy Maggie. Frequently we refer to her as the ferocious beast whenever she does something wrong.

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