Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cute Kid Quotes

These are just some quotes from my kids over the last few months that I found really funny.

Ashley told her dad she would prefer his farts not to stink. Don't we all.

We had a large King snake find it's way into our backyard. The kids were in the backyard cleaning up dog poop when they spotted it. I know what a rattlesnake is but other than that I don't know what snakes are poisonous. I just stay away from all of them, then I don't have a problem. I took a photo of the snake and then ran inside and searched google images until I found a match. I had the kids stand on the trampoline and keep an eye on the snake when I was inside so we didn't lose it. I came outside and told them it was a King snake and not poisonous so we would leave it alone. Coco was in awe that we had THE KING snake in our yard and how did I know that one was THE KING.

Coco doesn't really understand what the meaning of the word boring is. I think she relates it with work. Anyways, I told Coco a job she needed to do and she told me, "I would get to bored and die." And you need to visualize a four year old saying this with their pouty voice and sad face.

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