Wednesday, June 17, 2009


There is no better way to spend a warm summer afternoon than swimming.

I just got my Nikon D90 returned from the shop, it was having problems with reading the card. I had to try the camera out as soon as I got it back. I hope it's all fixed and won't give me anymore problems. I LOVE this camera!
Our family set the 18' pool up a few weeks ago and the kids are having a blast with it. Mom and Dad spend a bunch of time cleaning it and adjusting chemicals. The kids want Brian to build a platform next to it that they can jump off of. They also have requests for a slide, that would be awesome. We really need to get a fence put up around the whole yard. The neighbor kids come over when we are gone and throw dirt and toys into the pool.
Nicole and Ashley have a softball game tonight. Breanna and Ashley had one yesterday. Brian is the assistant coach to Ashley's team along with Scott Curtis. Brian and Scott are also home teaching partners. Scott is a home builder who lives here in Thatcher.
I started at the first of June sitting down at Provident's Copper Canyon subdivision in Safford. They sold four homes last month but nothing so far this month. Real estate is a waiting game. I have a potential listing from a home in Montana Vista that needs to be sold as a short sale. I'm just waiting on the bank to give us a green light on the transaction.
Breanna went to her first girls camp last month. She wasn't 12 yet but they let her go a year early. She can choose next year to advance to second year or do first year again. She had a blast up there. Her camera was already dead by Monday night. She went up Saturday with her Grandma Lori and the JC's and leaders. The regular girls didn't go up until Monday.
Brian and I are in our third week of going to Mesa for a college summer nutrition lab. We have five more weeks to go. I don't mind going every week but, it does get expensive driving the suburban there and back.
For the third time Brian and I have walked the track at Thatcher High. We stumbled upon the track idea Saturday when Breanna had softball practice at the high school. We didn't want to drive her there, go home and then go back to get her; that's a lot of gas. We decided to stay at the school and walk the track. The reason it works so well for us is, Brian can walk the outer ring and I can walk the inner ring. We are close enough to talk but, each of us are pushing ourselves. If we just want on the side of the road either Brian is waiting on me or I am pushing myself to keep up with him. Today we took Nicole and Breanna to exercise. Nicole was super cute jogging with Brian, racing him she thought.
I'm going to go take more pictures with my camera. I really want to sign up for the college's photography class, someday.
Notice Ashley is missing her two bottom front teeth. She lost one at school and put in in a little envelope but when she got home nothing was in there. She lost the second tooth at home. She showed it to me and I asked her if she wanted to give it to me and I would keep it safe. She wanted to keep it and carry it around to show her family. About an hour later I asked to see the tooth again and she opened up her hand and there was some small white styrofoam balls but no tooth. She lost it:(. Her teeth are so little it probably just slipped out of her balled hand.

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