Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ashley is 7

Her loot: Aerial bath Barbie, Tinker Bell bubble bath, shoes, earrings, secret diary pillow, bubble gum machine, Bella Sarah collecting cards, Tinker Bell walkie talkies. The next day she got a Tinker Bell purse, 2 make your own necklace kits, 2 paintable ceramic animals.
Ashley with her Barbie Island Princess cake. I was lazy/busy this year and didn't make a homemade one. We also lit some candles and had Nicole blow them out because she didn't have candles on her 5th birthday. (For Nicole's 5th birthday we were in Tucson at Lances having a pool party.) She chose mint chocolate chip ice cream, I had no idea that was her favorite.

Today Ashley turned 7. We woke her up in the morning and sang her Happy Birthday and gave her presents. I had other presents that I forgot to give her until the day after. What kid can complain about getting presents for two days. After presents we had to hurry and get ready for church. Ashley was excited to go to church because they give starburst to the birthday kids in Primary. As soon as church was over we headed to Mesa. We needed to go to Mesa because Brian and I have a college class on Monday's during this summer. That evening we ate at On the Border Mexican restaurant and then went and watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince which came out in Theaters a few days ago. A really good day for Ashley.

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