Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Coco's brush with the law

Coco got a ride home from the Police today, hopefully the last in her life.

I was going to work and she wanted to come. So she loaded up her purse with toys to play with at my office. Right when I was ready to go she decided to stay home. (our cat is having babies and she wanted to stay with her) Coco and I blew kisses and said our I love yous and off I went. An hour later at work I get a call from my mother in-law that the cops just brought Coco to her house. She was found wandering around Cauthen rd, on her way to her Grandmas house. Luckily the policeman knew my mother in-law and luckily my mother in-law was home. It's really hot outside today and Coco was red hot. Super scarry stuff for a Mom.

My mother in-law brought Coco down to my work and i asked her where she was going. And she said she was heading to her Grandmas because she missed her Mom. I asked her what she would have done if Grandma wasn't home, turn around and go home. Things are just that simple when you are 5.

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