Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Mom

I have the world's GREATEST MOM!
Brian and I have college classes in Mesa every Saturday at 8am. We pack the kids up and head out Friday afternoon to spend the night at Brian's Grandmother's house in Mesa. This week Breanna had play practice on Saturday and I needed someone to watch her. I called my Mom to see if she could come watch the kids Friday night and Saturday. She said she had a lot going on and this was a bad weekend. I said, I could find someone else to watch the kids. And she said, this (helping with the kids) is really important and she would be happy to spend time with the kids.
She dropped everything she had going on and came to help out cheerfully. I don't know of anyone who is so willing to give of themselves for their family. I didn't even see her. She came to my house between the time I left and the kids got home from school. And then she left while I was on my way home from Mesa. (We called and had my mother-in-law who lives just two streets over take the kids for two hours, so my mom could make the hour and a half drive home before it got dark.)
When I got home my kids were telling me all the fun things they did with Grandma, and how happy they were she came. She helped Breanna cut out the fabric for a dress she has wanted to make for a long time. Her own mother can't seem to make the time for it. She also read them books, played with them and told them stories. She took them to Walmart and bought them bananas, peaches and ice cream. She bought Breanna items she needed to finish her dress, and Ashley and Nicole an outfit. She even bought them Littlest Pet Shop bandaids, that really surprised me. Growing up we rarely had bandaids and if we did they were super generic brand. I think she realized most kids put bandaids on as body decorations. But there they were on my counter, a box of expensive bandaids. Either she was happy to see her grand kids and make them happy, or my kids were a whiners and she bought them to keep the peace. Who knows?
So, I wanted to take this moment to say I honestly feel I have the most unselfish mother in the whole world. When I become a Grandma I want to be just like her. Maybe I should start being a better mom and help Breanna sew that dress she has been wanting for so long:)

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