Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ashley & Nicole's Birthday/Halloween Party

Here is Ashley's party in full swing.
(I posted this picture because the kids who attended are blurred, but Ashley is in focus. I don't like posting pictures of other peoples kids online, so I try not to).
Here is Ashley as Mulan and Nicole as a witch just before their parties started.

Today was the famous Birthday/Halloween party for Ashley and Nicole, Breanna's will be tomorrow night. This year we had to have the parties on Wednesday night because we will be out of town Friday and Saturday. Nicole's party started at 4:00 and last until 5:30. Ashley's party was from 5:00 to 7:00.
Both parties had wooden monsters for the children to color at the beginning when they were waiting for other children to arrive. I also made several chocolate cupcakes with orange frosting, witches brew sherbet/sprite drink, sugar cookies, goldfish, cheese, crackers, m&m's and candy corn. We found a bone collecting / puzzle game at Party City that the kids loved running around the yard looking for the pieces. Musical hot pumpkin was a kid favorite. And we had the annual costume judging contest where we gave items such as whoopee cushions away to most funnies and Rubik cubs to most complex, Dracula to most scariest and crowns to most beautiful.
Ashley's party played toilet paper mummy, we forgot with the other parties. That was a game we started playing last year.

A good time was had by all who attended.

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