Wednesday, October 28, 2009

First Snow Winter 2009-2010

The first snow has fallen on Mount Graham this winter!!
Yesterday was a normal warm fall day and then during the evening a strong storm blew in. Yesterday evening we had the front door open to let in the cool night air when out of nowhere a strong gust of wind blew through the house. Because it hasn't rained in so long the ground outside was dry and so the wind brought in a BUNCH of dust. I walked out of the office after I heard the commotion the wind caused in our house and the front room air was thick with dust. After the dust settled the floor felt grainy, good thing I mopped the floors yesterday.
We hadn't put away the pop-up shade canopy we used at the party and that was blown into the road even though it was staked down well. One of the canopy's leg was damaged and one was broken off. The canopy also broke a terra cotta planter that was by the front entry. Two of the headstones in our Halloween graveyard also blew away even though they had large stakes on both sides of them.
Both Ashley and Nicole told us it was going to snow on Wednesday, we thought they were crazy, guess they were right. Tonight it's supposed to get down the the high 20's over night, that's cold.

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