Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day with Daley Cousins

Today we went to Mount Graham with the Daley's. We were up on the mountain for 7 hours having a good time. They Daley's brought hot chocolate which we enjoyed in the middle of the day. It helped warm the insides.

The snow was hard to walk in because it was so deep. When I walked on it I would sink up to my knee. The little kids wouldn't sink hardly at all because they didn't have enough weight.

Brian and his uncle Nelson used the Polaris Ranger and quad to make a figure 8 track in the snow. They pulled the kids around on that for awhile but it was somewhat too small for both to play. If a kid fell off one sled the other vehicle was backed up waiting. We ended up adding a larger loop to the track which helped make it more fun for the kids. To add this loop Ester and I had to tromp down a path for the ATVs to drive on. We didn't have to, it just sped up the process.

Ashley taking a short break from the fun. Nicole bumped her head when she fell of the sled

Brian and Nicole loving their day pulling the sleds around.
Breanna having a blast sledding with cousins Amy and Beth.

There they go again.

Claire, Ashley and Allison loving life.

Me at the end of the day. I've been out here over 6 hours and I'm starting to get cold.

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