Friday, February 26, 2010

All by myself, mostly

This first photo is out of order, this is the finished project. I added this wainscoting and molding mostly by myself. Brian helped me nail in the first two panels of wainscoting because he was using a borrowed nail gun. After I bought my own nail gun I finished everything up including cutting the paneling with the circular saw and the molding with the new miter saw I bought. I got a lot of new toys from this project. Some girls want fancy clothes and shoes, I want tools. These tools will come in real handy finishing up remodeling the house.
I'm going to do this same thing to the kids bathroom on the other side of this wall.
So what do you think is going to happen with this loot I just brought home from Home Depot???

I have some particle board, a new random orbital sander and finish nailer. The box and bag on the right hand side were cleaned out from my project room, they are going to a donation box, not part of the project.

Here is the before (minus all the junk a laundry room holds)

And the after...makes me feel so much better.

A few months ago I ran across I love this girls site. She designs plans for knock off pieces of designer furniture that regular people can build. Anyways, this site got me thinking that if she can do it, so can I. My first project isn't designer design, just a shelf. But still, I did it all by myself. Not a helping hand from anyone. (ok that's not true, the man at Home Depot cut the sheet of particle board for me.) How does it look? It adds lots of great storage to my laundry room. When I finish the floor molding on the unfinished wall it will be added to the bottom of the cabinet front to give it a built-in feel.
And yes the painting around the door is not right. I'm getting a new back door and trim, when that's done I will finish painting that wall and adding wainscoting and molding to the bottom half. The cabinets over the washer and dryer have been partially painted because I used the last of the paint that was on the paint roller up here.
I have repainted the wall cabinets white. I need to get pictures of that on here some day.

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