Thursday, April 8, 2010

First Flowers welcome Spring

I was out watering the garden today when I noticed the first rose of the year blooming (the yellow rose above). I got to looking around the yard and found the pink mini roses blooming also (see bottom photo). All the rose buses have lots of closed buds on them, ready to open in a few day, they will look so nice.
I like to plant lavender in my lower water use bed, it flowers almost all summer long and needs little water to look good.
This iris has been open for a few day. It's the only one that flowered so far, others will be coming in a few day.

Here is my favorite, remember this is a mini-rose so this flower is tiny.

This last image is my favorite. It's the same rose above taken from a different angle. I like it because the rose looks likes it's nestled in the leaves. And I like the red edges to the leaves.

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