Tuesday, February 10, 2009

LOOK what we woke up to! SNOW!

View looking towards Thatcher. Notice the college clock tower just to the left of center.

Mount Graham

We woke up to beautiful snow covered mountains behind our house. There was no snow on the ground by the house so I sent Bre & Ashley to school. Coco and I then got in the suburban to go see the fun. Brian was in Mesa for a college class so he missed the snow once again. Coco and I first drove up the dirt road that goes from west off Reay lane (just north of the car junk yard) to the mountains. The view is awesome on that road because from that road you can see all the mountains around you.

Earlier in the year it had snowed in thatcher but we already had plans arranged to go to St. David so we missed the only snow of the year in town.

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