Saturday, March 14, 2009


We were on our way to the Renaissance Festival in Bylas when an accident happened four cars ahead of us. We were stopped for quite awhile and so I had the kids get out and stretch their legs. We found three devil horns, one for each girl. After we found one for each kid I made them get back inside the suburban because there was glass everywhere. Not just little pieces of glass but bottoms of beer bottles standing up. Before I was hoping the cops would let us drive on the shoulder of the road to get around the accident but after I saw how much big glass was out there I was glad to stay on the road and wait.
Broken beer bottles is a huge pet peeve of mine. Why do people throw glass bottles out their car and not think it's going to be a problem? In the desert behind our house people shoot bottles and so trails are covered in it. Glass doesn't go away, something has to break it down. I stepped on a broken bottle bottom that someone left standing up at my mother-in laws house and it was painful. People who throw glass out their car or shoot should have that experience and it won't happen quite as much.

And have you ever seen so many tumble weeds in one place in your life. One cigarette thrown out a car window and poof there goes everything.
We left the house at 8:30am and didn't get to the festival until noon. A two hour car trip turned into a 3.5 hour trip. Needless to say we were all irritated when we finally arrived.

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