Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ears Pierced!

Nicole finally got her ears pierced. We leave it up to the girls when they want to get their ears pierced. Whenever we would ask Nicole she would say no. This last week she said, "she wanted to stop protecting her ears and get holes in them". I wanted to act before she changed her mind so we made a special trip to Tucson just to have them pierced. She was pretty fearful of how much it would hurt. We told her it would feel like a hard pinch and be over really quick. I think the look in this photo shows her thoughts on our explanation of how much it hurt, her eyes are sooo sad.
She only cried about 20 minutes and then was fine. The earring she chose are thinner than what Bre and Ashley were pierced with. They both cried longer and had a harder time with them later in the day probably because they had a larger hole pierced. My kids think it's crazy that their Mom pierced her own ears at home with a needle. I even did a second hole in each hole, what was I thinking. After the prophet came out and said only one set I felt like, crap all that trouble for waist.
Piercing your own ears isn't painful if you numb them with ice, I know because that's what I did. I iced one ear lobe for 30 minutes and then inserted the needle part way slowly and then iced it some more. The crazy part is your ear lobe is hard and you can feel layers as you push through. Your fingertips hurt worse from holding the ice and being partially frozen and then trying to hold onto a little needle. It made me nauseated and week. I didn't ask my Mom if I could do it either, I just did it and she never said anything about it. If she wasn't going to say anything about it I should have done it one day when I was at the mall with friends. Live and Learn!

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