Friday, March 20, 2009

Mermaid and Animal

Ashley and Nicole got their part for the Peter Pan plan.
Ashley will be a mermaid and Nicole will be an animal.

All the little four year olds are animals. I'm not sure why they even had them audition because some of the four year olds were forced up there by their mother. Nicole couldn't wait to be on stage. Now if I can just get her to pay attention when the director is talking so she can know what she needs to be doing.

The play practices are broken up into different days depending on what role you play. Ashley and Nicole will not have practice together until dress rehearsal. Nicole will only stay for 30 minutes during her practice day so she shouldn't miss much softball. I hope Ashley doesn't miss too much softball, her coach said she is really good.

Ashley has an arm on her and throws the ball really hard and when she swing the bat she give it all she has. She reminds me of my sister Ester who is more sporty than me. By contract Nicole is like me. She is out there to have a good time, she doesn't suck but she isn't great. Then again as they grow older they could change.

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