Saturday, March 21, 2009

yard work, AGAIN

Once again we spent a whole day working on the yard. Today we tilled the whole back and front/side yard. We bought 75 bags of manure and spread that all around, the smell was delightful (NOT). Brian borrowed a rototiller from his step-brother that is twice the size of one you can buy at Home Depot. The tiller was awesome and made quick work and was able to go really deep with no problems. I wanted to buy the tiller it was so awesome, but now that we are done we won't have much use for it.
Now we have a problem with all the grass from the lawn that was tilled over. The grass is making it really hard to level the ground because they are sticking in little clumps together. I think we will let the grass die and then till again in a few days and hopefully the dead grass will break apart better than green grass.

At noon we cleaned up and I took the girls to the Daley's house for Dani's bridal shower. Breanna was the only one who paid any attention to the party. Ashley and Nicole ran around with their cousins. After the party we came back home and worked in the yard again until it got dark.

Tonight when Bre was getting ready for bed she asked me what the "little dresses" were about that Dani got. I of course explained to her what they were for. And then she said wouldn't that be immodest. So that opened the door to even more talking. So, I learned that if you take a child to a bridal shower you better make sure your ready for them to see and ask questions.

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