Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ashley learns to ride her bike

You'll have to excuse the hair, it was really windy outside.
Nicole was following Ashley and also wanted her photo taken just like her big sister. I like the lighting in this photo. The sun is just about to set behind me and it casts a real nice glow to everything.

Ashley came in the house tonight and said she wanted to learn to ride her bike without training wheels. She had already found pliers and taken off one training wheel but needed help with the other. I went outside and helped her take off the last training wheel and off she went. I ran with her for a few minutes and then Brian ran with her for a few minutes. Within 10 minutes she was riding her bike by herself. She biffed once when she was trying to turn around. We told her to stop and then turn around until she gets better. She did so great!

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