Monday, March 23, 2009

Breanna in Drama

Breanna joined Drama Club today. She is trying out for the evil stepmother part. The play is a 20 minute version of the evil stepmother and her magic mirror from snow white. I worked with her on the parts while Ashley and Nicole were practicing softball. I heard her going over the parts just before she went to bed. I think I will record the play on my digital voice recorder and have her listen to it over and over whenever she has time.

I have kept the dog outside most of the day because she isn't fully house broken and I don't like (ok, I HATE) cleaning up her accidents. I finally let her in this evening and within 10 minutes she pooped and peed so, I sent her back outside again. A few hours later I brought her back in and within 2 minutes she was peeing. I lost it, what the heck, pee outside!
Nicole wanted Maggie to play with her but the dog only wanted to sleep. I heard Coco say, "don't just do something, stand there". She had heard the phrase and just reversed the order, just like a movie.

Brian left to go back to Mesa for school. He had been home all last week because it was the college's spring break and it was fun to have him home. I miss him! He is only gone half of Monday through half of Thursday but, I still miss him.

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