Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monday Breanna joined drama. I guess the club started a few weeks ago and so she joined on the day people were auditioning for parts. I thought she had another week to practice before final auditions, nope, I was wrong. So anyways, she came home yesterday and told me she got the part of third servant girl, something she didn't even try out for. Third servant girl only has one line but hay, you got to start somewhere. I told her this would still be a good experience to be on the stage and getting used to an audience.
Breanna went to her first young women's activity this evening. She won't be 12 until August but she is going to camp this year in June. Starting this year our stake no longer does foil or dutch oven cooking at camp so they have to certify it before camp. That's what they did tonight. I'm not sure why it's called camp anymore. It should be called girls retreat or getaway, no camping goes on.
Today I was driving Nicole and Ashley home from softball practice when Nicole wanted to take a detour and drive by the temple building site. I happily obliged, even though I had homework due at home. Never trying to miss an opportunity, I asked them if they were going to get married in the temple when they grew up. Ashley said all the tithing money was in the temple. She thought there was just a room of money in the temple. I think she was somewhat disappointed when I told her the tithing money goes to a regular bank and then the church uses it to pay bills, so boring that way.
Nicole was saying she didn't want to grow up, she wanted to stay little forever. Ashley said she needed to grow up to be able to climb trees and pick nuts. Where did that come from? I don't know that Ashley has ever climbed a tree to pick nuts. Well maybe she has at Esters. That girl is funny today. We also drove by Great Grandpa Kent Daley's grave, it's been 7 years this month since he died.
I'm so happy I can write these little things down that make me so happy.
I activated my real estate license today and signed up with Long Realty. I'm super excited. I'm even more excited that I already have a client lined up. The client is one of Brian's best friend in high school. This will be a perfect starting client because I won't feel like I have to know everything already. Brian bought me a new laptop today while he is in Mesa. I can't wait for him to get home so I can open it up.

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