Sunday, June 28, 2009

2009 Mayberry Family Reunion

Breanna by the creek that runs beside General Springs cabin.
Ashley inside General Springs Cabin. This cabin is located just off of FSR300 on the Mogollon Rim. We also visited the battleground.
My kids and some of their first cousins on the Mogollon Rim overlooking Payson. Nicole under the natural bridge.

This year the Mayberry family was held in the same spot as last year, off FSR300 north of Strawberry. We left Thatcher on Wednesday night at 8pm and drove to Payson where we stayed over night in the Wal-mart parking lot. Thursday morning we woke up early and headed into camp. We stayed there until Sunday afternoon when we headed back to Mesa because we had a college class Monday. Even though we had a camper and could take a shower everyday it felt really good to take one in a real shower.
My little tree sprite. I think she wore this dress everyday over her other clothes.

Tree swing that was set up on the side of the camp. The kids had a blast with it.

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