Friday, July 3, 2009

Sam''s Club job

Brian was offered a job at Sam's Club today. He put in his application a few months ago so we were surprised when they called him up on Monday for an interview on Tuesday. We were already in Mesa on Monday for a college class and just stayed over a day. His interview went well on Tuesday and they invited him back for an interview on Thursday. His interview went well on Thursday and they wanted to call him back for a third interview the next week but when they learned he lived three hours away they accomodated him and scheduled the appointment for Friday, the next day. Friday he was offered a position at Sam's Club SanTan Village (Val Vista and Williams).
The position he was interviewing for was lead COS. They want to hire him for management but Sam's doesn't do that, you have to have a lower job and then work your way up. So what they are doing for him is making him a head cashier so he called be pulled from his job to do training. If he was lead COS he wouldn't have anytime for management training. The pay is only .35 less a hour. Brian would rather take the less pay for a few weeks/months until a management spot opens up and then go into a salaried managment position.
The crazy thing is when they brought him into interview the only work history they had for him was his mortgage jobs. They didn't have his assitant manager work at Petsmart or his sales experience at Ultimate Electronics. With the economy the way it is and people not being able to find jobs, we feel really fortunate to even be called in for an interview.
I'm really excited to move back to Mesa. The kids and Brian are also excited but not as much as I am. I thought I would like living in the small town because I grew up in a really small town but I found out I like the big city. Maybe when I get older and slow down I would like the slower pace of a small town.
Brian is going to stay at his Grandmas house until the girls and I can get up there. We won't be able to leave here until the house sells. I don't know where I'm going to work there, real estate is a lot harder to get started in the big city than the little town. I'm not worried, something will work out for me if I put effort into it.
Brian's mortgages have been doing well the last few months. But, a few months before that we had no pay for a few months. It's feast or famine in the mortgage industry. The Sam's job will help us have a small base pay with benefits to cover the lean mortgage months. We will still do mortgages as much as possible. We are talking about me taking that over as my job because it can be done at home and Brian help me out with his knowledge.
Now I just have to get the house ready to sell, all the little details that need to be polished, the packing and finding a new house.

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