Monday, September 7, 2009

2009 Angle Orchard

This is the family's first time to Angle orchard on the base of Mount Graham. Ashley has already been their during her kindergarten field trip. We picked around 50 pounds of apples to eat and bottle. Much fun was had by the whole family.

Picking apples here was a lot more fun then the trees in St. David because they were so little here. I don't know if they were little because they had a forest fire come through a few years ago and they are young trees or if they are just a dwarf variety of apples. I guess if I really wanted to know I could have asked the guys working there.

After picking apples we continued up the mountain to upper Arcadia and had lunch. Brian's mom Lori came with us and she packed the lunch, yum. The air had a chill in it already.

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