Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sisters Camping

 With school about to start again for the kids Ester got her sisters motivated to take our kids out camping. Ester and Rachel drove to Safford in the RV and picked up my three kids and headed up Mount Graham. I had to work that day and wouldn't be able to make it until the 2nd.
On the way up the mountain Ester's RV side storage compartment door opened up and Breanna's bag and folding camp chair were lost. Ester didn't realize it until they were all the way up at the camp site. She called me to let me know that I needed to bring Breanna some more clothes. After work Brian and I took the little blue car up the mountain to see if we could find the bag, no luck.
There had been several rain storms up on the mountain (nothing down in the Gila Valley) that made the road a mess to drive in. It was slow going because the road was so bumpy. That wasn't so bad when we were going up because we wanted to go slow and look for the bag. But on the way home it was dark and it seemed to take forever to get back down the mountain.
Bre's bag was never found. The bag she was using I have had since high school and I loved that bag. It was the perfect size for going on an overnight trip. Not to big or small and sturdy canvas so it could be smashed flat when not needed. She also lost a few pairs of pants that we had JUST purchased her for the new school year. She wasn't supposed to bring new school pants camping, but I guess one needs to look beautiful when they are camping. She also had a couple books that were lost. She needed to take a few in case she had time slow down and needed to entertain herself. She also had the flashlight, bug spray, sunscreen and glo-sticks. You get the point, everything she needed was in the bag never to be seen again.
I called the Forest Service office in Safford and they transferred me to someone who transferred me to someone who transferred me to someone, and then they hung up on me before I got to ask if they had seen the  bag. I was going to call back on the next day when things were not so difficult for them but never got around to it.
With Brian and I bringing up fresh supplies Monday night (Aug 1st) they were able to proceed camping without a problem. Actually I was glad I came up because I was able to help the girls get in warmer sleeping arrangements. They were naive and unbelieving about how cold it got at night up on the mountain because it's still over 100 degrees off the mountain. They ended up not sleeping warmly that night anyways because it just got so cold. The next night wasn't as cold and they were fine.

I showed up Tuesday afternoon after work and met them at Riggs Lake. This is what I found upon my arrival.
Can you see the little tiny boat off in the distance? My two little kids are on that boat and Breanna was off somewhere with the cousins. They were so far away. Ester brought up a little boat and life vests and the kids had a blast swimming in the lake. We all stayed out there until it got dark and the mosquitoes started coming out and the temperature started dropping fast. I brought up Kentucky Fried Chicken for dinner so that made dinner easy.
Right as the sun was setting we had a man show up with his two young daughters. He said he came up the mountain to go camping but the last night was so cold that he wasn't going to stay another night. He wanted to see Riggs Lake before he headed home. He started talking to us girls about how beautiful the mountain was and different places he has visited and how beautiful they were. He asked us if us three sisters were camping with our kids alone, without husbands. He was in awe that girls would want to go camping on their own. To us sisters we never had really thought about how unusual that really is for a mother to take her kids camping while the husband stays home.
I slept in Ester's RV for the night and we stayed up late until the night, ok it was early morning before we went to bed. It was better than the last time we went camping together and we stayed up until the horizon was starting to lighten up, singing dawn.
Tuesday the 2nd was Rachel's birthday. We spent the day down at the Lake. Everyone spent the day either fishing, boating or swimming in the lake. Here is Nicole out in the middle of the lake. I am zoomed in on her and no the water is not green, it's the reflection off the trees that makes the water look green.

She would swim out into the lake trying to catch the boat so we could hitch a ride. We never did catch any fish. There was no way we would have caught a fish with the amount of noise 10 kids make playing.

Below is Ashley drying off after she took a swim. See the water is actually normal blue.

The kids swam and walked all around the lake. I feel sorry for anyone who was actually out that day trying to catch a fish because I'm sure they were spooked.
I needed to work Wednesday so I took the girls home with me Tuesday night. It had a fun time and it was nice to catch up with my sister. Next year girls.

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